Home Nearly 20 Alumni of WUT Revisited Their Alma Mater

Nearly 20 Alumni of WUT Revisited Their Alma Mater

Nearly 20 Alumni of WUT Revisited Their Alma Mater


 Zhongnan Online, May 26----May 23, nearly 20 alumni of class 0220, who are from the School of Information and Engineering of WUT and majored in computer application, returned to their alma mater for exchange activities at the time of 10th graduation anniversary. The secretary of the Communist Youth League, Hu Ruinian, the supervisor of the School of Information and Engineering, Fu Yan, and some student cadres accompanied the alumni to visit the campus and attend the exchange forum, the executive vice president Professor Wang Yuanzhang took pictures with the alumni.

The gathering is divided into three parts: revisiting the campus, exchange forum, reviewing organizational life. At nine thirty that morning, the alumni, accompanied by the secretary of the Communist Youth League, teachers, students of the school, revisited the campus. After revisiting the campus, the alumni had lunch together, and then went to the conference room 316 of the School of Information and Engineering to interact with the students. At the forum, the dean of the School of Information and Engineering, Professor Wang Huawen, gave the opening remarks, he showed a warm welcome to the alumni, and hoped that the alumni could strengthen the contact with the school and revisited the campus more frequently.

At the end of the gathering, the alumni went to the club to hold an activity of reviewing organizational life. The photos of the alumni were showed in the form of PPT to recall the bit past of their university life. The alumni who failed to attend the gathering also used small videos to send their best wishes to the alma mater. Finally, after sharing their experience, the alumni finished the gathering with a song of "loving each other".

The secretary of the Communist Youth League of the School of Information and Engineering, Hu Ruinian, said "This activity not only embodies the deep feeling of the alumni to their alma mater, but also witnesses the school to cultivate a generation of talents. At the same time, the school is developing, which also needs the support of the successful alumni, I hope the students who graduated can come back to revisit their alma mater!"