Home Fourteen projects of Wuchang University of Technology have been approved by the second batch of Industry-University Cooperative Education Projects in 2018 by the Ministry of Education

Fourteen projects of Wuchang University of Technology have been approved by the second batch of Industry-University Cooperative Education Projects in 2018 by the Ministry of Education

Fourteen projects of Wuchang University of Technology have been approved by the second batch of Industry-University Cooperative Education Projects in 2018 by the Ministry of Education

Recently, the Higher Education Department of Ministry of Education issued a letter on the announcement of the list of the second batch of industry-university cooperative education projects in 2018 supported by enterprises. A total of 14 projects of Wuchang University of Technology were approved, and the number of approved projects ranked top among similar universities in China.

Industry-university cooperative education project, is the ministry of education for the implementation of the general office of the state council on deepening the reform of creative education in universities implementation opinion "the general office of the state council on deepening the integration of production and education several opinions, co-operative cooperative education mechanism innovation, combine comprehensive professional resources for colleges and universities of domestic and foreign well-known enterprises reform and innovation of entrepreneurship education reform project.

In 2018, the Ministry of Education issued the second batch of industry-university cooperative education projects. Wuchang University of Technology’s 14 projects including "The Internet based on the new engineering construction ", "Big data for new engineering talents cultivation of innovation and practice", "The applied software engineering training system reform of talent cultivation of innovation" "Big data analysis in teacher training", " Building intelligent multifunctional training center" were approved. The approved projects cover four aspects: "new engineering construction", "teaching content and curriculum system reform", "teacher training", "practice conditions and practice base construction".

Wuchang University of Technology regards the integration of industry and education as an important way to cultivate high-quality applied talents. Since 2016, there have been 56 industry-university collaborative education projects. The implementation of related projects has played a positive role in promoting school-enterprise cooperation, strengthening the construction of teaching staff, promoting the construction of professional connotation, improving practical teaching conditions, and building a deeply integrated collaborative education mechanism.The establishment of the project is not only a practice to fully implement the spirit of the national education conference, but also will vigorously promote schools, industries and enterprises to jointly build practice education base, improve the "Win-win cooperation, opening and shared practice education mechanism".